Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Arafel ערפל

ג' באדר תשס"ז

More spell notes:

I awoke to an unusual extremely thick white fog this morning. Extremely thick. Dave at Balashon writes regarding fog, arafel:

It's (tariff) related to the Hebrew word oref עורף, meaning "neck", or the root ערף meaning "to drip" (and the source of arafel ערפל - cloud, fog). But one of the advantages of my acquiring Stahl's Arabic etymological dictionary is that I don't have to guess. And he clearly states that there is an Arabic root ערף meaning "to know".

Stahl doesn't connect the Arabic ערף to either of the Hebrew roots, and I imagine that if he could have, he would have. He does, however, mention that in Medieval Hebrew, ma'aruf מערוף meant "customer, clientele", from the Arabic root. In modern Hebrew slang, ma'aruf means "a favor", as in "do me a favor". This meaning is also taken from Arabic, and Stahl suggests that the development might have been from "to know" to "befriend" to "do a favor".

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Anonymous said...

Ma'aruf I would translate as 'what is commonly understood to be the right thing to do'. the Qur'an tells believers to 'amr bil-ma'aruf wa anhar 'an il munkar' 'enjoin what is recognised to be good and prevent what is rejected (evil)'

It comes from the verb 'arifa, to understand, and it is related to the word ma'rifa which is related to the wisdom or understanding of the spiritually adept.

I think at the deep level it links the concepts of understanding and goodness because what is truly and widely understood is true and what is true is goodness.

Lori said...

Interesting information. I value these kinds of contributions to understanding. Thank you for the comment.

Dare to be true to yourself.