Saturday, April 21, 2007

Muvhak - The Hidden Primordial Light

ד' באייר תשס"ז

In my previous entry I discussed the word muvhak (מובהק) in association with "clear", "clean" and "outstanding" light. The particular type of light described by the word muvhak was revealed in that discussion as a high level light due to its connection with the suprarational chukim/chukot.

Evidence further supporting the "outstanding" high-level nature of the light described as muvhak comes through gematria. מובהק has a gematria of 153 with a digit sum of 9. Nine corresponds to the Hebrew letter tet (ט). Regarding the letter tet and light, R' Yitzchak Ginsburgh teaches:

At the beginning of Creation, the appearance of light is termed "good" in God's eyes: "And God saw the light was good." Our Sages interpret this to mean "good to be hidden for the tzadikim in the Time to Come."

The Ba'al Shem Tov teaches that the "Time to Come" refers also to every generation.

Kabbalistically, the Time To Come is a code which refers to the partzuf Imma Ila'ah of Binah. Thus, the light called muvhak is exactly that primordial light hidden away for the righteous at the beginning of creation brought down from Imma Ila'ah into revelation through Yesod (where Yesod corresponds to the letter tet).

והיה אור

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