Sunday, April 29, 2007

Shamanic Delta Wave "Dream"

י"א באייר תשס"ז

In my previous entry I wrote regarding waking from a dream journey (to a dark deep peaceful place from which no one returns) with a significant experience of sleep inertia lasting well over an hour. The magnitude of the sleep inertia I experienced suggests that the dream I had was no typical dream of REM sleep. The dream of the dark deep peaceful place from which no one returns was more likely some type of shamanic soul journey occurring during the phase of slow wave sleep characterized by delta waves and typically, no dreaming. One reason no one ever returns from that dark deep peaceful place (as I was told during the soul journey) may be that most people do not "dream" in this place of delta wave sleep. Perhaps more importantly, not only did I delta dream, but I delta dreamt and returned with detail recall of the delta dream.

I think this evidences a pivotal shift in consciousness - to be mindfully aware during delta wave brain activity, to dream and to return with memory and recall of what one's awareness may observe there. Wow.

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