Monday, April 16, 2007

Hall(s) Connection - Point Of Bifurcation

כ"ח בניסן תשס"ז

An interesting point of connection to note between my dream this morning and the Virginia Tech massacre, also this morning - In my dream, there is one (banquet) hall, one kettle and an unacceptable action to divide the food onto separate platters. From this unacceptable action by those around me, I fled some harm associated with the separation, discerned immediately following removal of the food from the kettle to place it in circles (where circle is from the same root עגל as the golden "calf") onto separate platters. In the massacre, two separate halls were involved - a residence hall and an engineering building called Norris Hall.

The separate circles did not derive from Liorah Lleucu HaMasovevet (where masovevet is from the root סבב).

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