Thursday, April 05, 2007

Achdut & Tribal Survival

י"ז בניסן תשס"ז

Penguins know achdut. To survive the harsh polar winter penguins huddle together on the ice, all taking turns and rotating their places in the warm middle of the group-body mass to its cold outer edges so that each penguin has an opportunity to gain enough heat in the middle to individually survive. In doing so, most penguins in the tribe survive the harsh polar winter and the tribe lives on in significant numbers to raise it's young ones another year.

Human beings are not like penguins. There are those who remain warm in the middle and those who remain cold at the edges all the time. Perhaps it shall be the penguins who inherit the earth and the heavens. They certainly have demonstrated worthiness over human beings and deserve to.

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Anonymous said...

Very true.
I remember a film I once saw wherein was shown how fathers and mothers take turns in caring for their children so that the other parent can leave for a period of time to eat. The other parent waits patiently and when s/he almost dies of cold and hunger the partner returns faithfully, immediately recognises its partner and takes over. Moreover, it has brought food for the young, enough for the next period when the other partner is gone.
It moved me to tears.
I never understood where the belief came from that nature is cruel. Only the thinking animal is capable of such a distortion.

Lori said...

March Of The Penguins.

I saw it a few times and cried every time.

Dare to be true to yourself.