Sunday, May 06, 2007

The Pledge Of Yaakov & Eliyahu

י"ט באייר תשס"ז

In a previous entry, Wedge 226 - Greensburg Not Grunwald Destroyed, I noted how the devastating series of wedge tornados in Kansas this past Friday and Saturday were connected to my Grunwald Jewish ancestry (Grunwald is Greenfield in English), my reversal ritual (black bridge), a birth analysis on myself (kin 226), and to the messianic idea contained within the phrase vayekhulu hashamayim which emerged from that analysis (where the phrase is rooted in the letters vav-hei, corresponding to the values 6 and 5, respectively). I further noted that the only structure left standing in the entire town was the local tavern called Bar H.

The fact that Bar H (בר ה) was the sole structure left standing when the wind passed by is also significant to this week's Torah portion (Behar-Bechukotai) and to messianic consciousness.

First, Bar H is a permutation of Behar (בהר), the first section of this week's reading.

Second, in Bechukotai (Vayikra 26:42), the second section of this week's reading, the name Yaakov is found spelled with a vav (ו). Of this Rashi writes:

This is one of only five places in Scripture where Yaakov's name (יעקוב) is spelled with a vav; conversely, Eliyahu's name appears five times without a vav (אליה instead of אליהו). Yaakov took a "pledge" from Eliyahu, as it were, and will return the missing letters to him when he heralds the coming of Messiah.

As in my previous entries, here again, in Bar H, the lone structure which still stands among the ruins despite efforts to destroy it, are the values of 6 and 5, vav and hei - like in my birthday analysis and the messianic phrase vayekhulu hashamayim which emerged from it.

Third, Bar H has a gematria of 207, with a digit sum of 9, where 9 corresponds to tet (ט), the only vessel fit to receive it. This is my birthright as a descendant of William and Elizabeth Grunwald, despite those who would like to deny it, and despite those who would like to destroy it.

Nine died in this tragedy. May their families somehow be comforted. Amen.
ברוך דיין האמת

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