Saturday, May 26, 2007

Mouth Of Machpele

edging edges
blowing an ever cleaving melody
flying with the night
one heart, one mind, returning together
lights of chaos, one thread of many corners stringing
as reverberating pearls tumble from the shabbat river
splitting open time, delight playing peacefully
a harmony of singularities from the endless sea
entwining grains of history, flowing with the flame eternal
cutting clarity into focus with complexity, considering
destiny between simple moments pivoting
thought bare and bursting full
bright and beautiful field of wonders running through it
born fully aware, like a gentle spring wind
brilliant this day when, joining times
my whole world sings again
splendors completing remembering words
one word
unfolding the song shalom
established truly in it

Published originally on my Walking On Fire musical website, under the title Machpele - Aish Das

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