Thursday, November 02, 2006

Hall Of Records

Jack at Random Thoughts inquires of bloggers:

This is the question of the moment. How long do you expect to keep on blogging? Do you have any sense of how long you can keep on going?

Will you be one of those bloggers who comes on fast and furious and then suddenly disappears or will you be here for the long haul.

As for me, I plan to blog until I die. My blogs are "records" of my spiritual development and life journey. Someday, I'd like to publish the best parts as a legacy for my children and descendants. This is my only dream.

My newest blog, Craftwork Of A Jewitch, which I just started building November 1st, is an attempt to organize "my records" into some kind of "seder". My other blogs are more like unorganized diaries and thoughts "as they come". There's no order and no specificity of thought - unorganized streams of consciousness - which is also good "for the record".

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