Saturday, March 22, 2008

Cheshbon HaNefesh & The Secrets Of Time

י'ה באדר ב' תשס"ח
Raven 16

At the cusp of the tenth zodiac house, the House of National Soul, rests the zenith of the natal chart known as Midheaven (Medium Coeli, MC). Midheaven, situated above the place of birth, is the superconscious point connecting the incarnating life-force to it's mission goals for the particular lifetime into which it is evolving. In my sidereal natal chart, Midheaven is set in Taurus (Shor).

The mazal of Taurus (corresponding to the power of the letter vav) contains the pristine and rectified spiritual origin of the nefesh soul and brings out into purposeful revelation:

radiance and light
the powers of contemplation, introspection and calculation
natural healing
mastering the secrets of time
the power to connect and interrelate all elements within creation

Thus, the "national" origin of my nefesh is represented by the Hebrew letter vav and my introspective Torah is a radiant, light-filled, healing, masterful, connectively creative vav-Torah.

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