Friday, March 14, 2008

Dreaming Of The Future

ח' באדר ב' תשס"ח
Raven 9

A young Iraqi girl dreams of life.

Iraqi Teen In Baghdad: I Will Have A Future
March 14, 2008

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- "When a bomb blows or something explodes, you know, I just keep on sitting here. I don't move."

Those are the words of Wurud, a 14-year-old Iraqi girl. She points out a window to the large coils of barbed wire snaking along the outer wall of the protected Green Zone where she lives with her family.

Wurud is haunted by what's happening in her homeland, but she is also remarkably resilient and wise beyond her years.

"Whatever place I am in, I will have a future," she says emphatically.

May it be so. Amen

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