Sunday, March 02, 2008

Shechinah & The Mystery Of Zero

כ'ה באדר א' תשס"ח
Keolwulf 26

In my previous entry, HaLeviah On The Boundaries Of The Universe, I noted that in my sidereal whole natal chart there are zero astrological points in the zodiac houses associated with the element of water, corresponding to the world of Beriyah (the world initiating the mythological "fall" or "shattering of the vessels"). Further, I noted that there are 9 Hebrew letters which comprise the idea of "zero" (nekudat ha-efes), namely נקודת האפס.

These 9 letters have a combined gematria of 700 - the absolute value of nun-sofit (the final nun). Collecting the 9 letters of nekudat ha-efes into a single vessel, nun-sofit thus creates the archetypal pattern of my "Beriyatic" soul as being a "pure flowing" (שת with a gematria of 700) extension of the Infinite Ein Sof and Shechinah. Importantly, the single Beriyatic "point of nothing" remains whole (tam) as "zero" in my natal chart. It is not shattered.

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