Sunday, March 04, 2007

Happy Rhyfeddod Lleiaf o Rhiannon!

י"ד באדר תשס"ז

In the Welsh witch's wheel of the year, sundown March 3 thru dawn March 6 marks observance of Rhyfeddod Lleiaf o Rhiannon (Lesser Mysteries Of Rhiannon).

Rhainnon is the Celtic goddess archetype of endurance and inspiration (netzach and nevuah).

Rhiannon, Celtic goddess of the moon and inspiration, the enchanting fairy princess who rode so swiftly that no horseman could catch her, loved and chose to marry a mortal king of Wales. Accused of murdering their infant son, Rhiannon bore her humiliating punishment with a grace and dignity that melted the hearts of her adopted countrymen.

Eventually proven innocent, Rhiannon was reunited with her husband and son and restored to her throne. Later the Celtic goddess Rhiannon became the famous Lady of the Lake who, in the legends of Camelot, gave Arthur the magical sword called Excalibur.

Rhiannon's name means "Divine Queen".

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