Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Fifth Tarot Reading, Additional Interpretation

S/Q 10 of swords

1 - Magician (Gwydion) א
2 - seven of pentacles
3 - ace of swords
4 - page of wands
5 - Hanged Man (Enchantment of Dyfed) ל
6 - six of pentacles
7 - king of wands
8 - queen of cups
9 - eight of wands
10 - ten of wands

Further interpretation of today's earlier tarot reading:

1 - querent is a force of art, creativity and independent thinking in relationship to current situation

2- forces in querent's favor: patience, fairness, goodwill toward others, ingenuity

3 - message from higher self: decisive change is being brought about

4 - subconscious is working to manifest the arrival of positive change

5 - past events giving rise to current situation, proper atonement and self-sacrifice

6 - "sharing" relationships with others

7 - overcoming disadvantage positively influencing situation

8 - unseen force influencing situation: a genuine heart, a true love

9 - hope for opportunity

10 - outcome of the matter: rising to the challenge, not flinching in the face of oppression

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