Sunday, March 18, 2007

Coarse Grained Histories

כ"ח באדר תשס"ז

In response to Greg's post over at Presence, Quantum Indeterminacy Does Not Equal Free Will:

Natural probabilities may or may not be "indeterminant", but free will can craft the weight (mass) of any given probability, influencing its improbable but very real outcome.

One can create "crafted probabilities" over natural probabilities. Just as "mass" and the ability to make free will choices among a range of probabilities influence outcome, another quantum concept which figures into the process is called "coarse grained histories". True free will can operate through these processes to influence the outcome of any given "natural" probability.

I know this, even if I am neither a mathematician nor a physicist. For example, in my dreams this morning, I dreamt of two potential outcomes, i.e., two alternative realities as they exist prior to manifestation. As a human being with free will, I can choose which alternative reality will manifest by the mere act of choosing (and reiterating that choice throughout the layers of reality). My reiterated choice gives weight (mass) to one probability over the other, despite that the natural probability may prefer an outcome opposite my choice. The "mass" I give an improbable reality by consciously choosing it will make it manifest against the natural one because my choice will "fall into" reality before the other one by virtue of its "weight", canceling out the natural one.

"Weight" is added to a premanifest probability by pouring one's will into a choice at the level of binah. The "higher" the binah (and will), the greater the weight which can be added to any given alternate reality, influencing it into manifestation over any other.

There are many nuances to this dynamic, but the basic idea comes through, I think.

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