Saturday, September 15, 2007

Dai Chai

ג' בתשרי תשס"ח

In follow-up to my previous two entries (Yachid, A Singular Flame and Brit Milah Of An Idea), I need to ask what is "yachid" (יחיד) "flipped" like a nun hafucha and "separated" like a kippah (dai) on the scalp (chai)?

It is the Hebrew letters in the phrase די חי, "dai chai", where

די (dai) means "able" and "sufficient" to do it,

and חי (chai) pertains to the "unified soul" level of messianic consciousness; namely, chayah and yechidah in unity, just like the gevurot and chasidim "exist" in unity in Atzmut.

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