Friday, September 21, 2007

Mesirut Nefesh Of The Goat For Azazel

ט' בתשרי תשס"ח

In follow-up to the Two Goats post regarding my mountaintop vision on the eighth day of Tishrei, kabbalah explains:

On the eighth day our service goes beyond the limits of the world. We step past all obstacles: those presented by evil, by our limited intellect, and even the limitations of the world as they are found in Torah, and reveal a service that is infinite, the service of Mesirut Nefesh (self-sacrifice).

An old poem of mine originally published on my musical website, entitled
Mesirut Nefesh, Modah Ani:

ever in my ear, a feast absolutely senseless, with a holy madness
seizing the moments, turning over time, plunging into history
one sight, one mind, our bodyguard
the curious melody that plays your heartsound, a mystery mark
weaving secretly through mine
upon reverberating strings jeweled with a rhythm of the land
smelling darkly deep, a resurrecting wine fully alive
aged on the way, homeward bound
body and soul, dancing like lovers with eternal breath
a song between two old friends
an extraordinary ordinary treasure
resting plainly like a tool within some wooden dreambox
gently blowing
the most beautiful light of midnight

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