Saturday, September 15, 2007

Wrestling With Ruach Hashem

ג' בתשרי תשס"ח

In my entry Wrestling, Redeeming & Sanctifying Truth, I wrote of a mist which arose to seed the universe:

Simultaneous with the arising of the wrestling primal goddesses, I saw that the entire atmosphere became chock (חוק) full of dandelions releasing their seeds - so many that they looked like a whitish mist made of dandelion seeds being cast out from the place into the universe at large.

In addition to the dandelion symbolism I discussed in the linked post, the symbolism of the mist is significant.

In my vision, the mist arose from and hovered over the face of the waters where the primal goddesses wrestled toward unification.

"... and ruach Elohim hovered over the face of the waters." Bereshit 1:2

Jewish kabbalah teaches that this hovering ruach Elohim of Bereshit 1:2 is none other than the soul of messianic consciousness.

Mist in Hebrew is אד. A gathering of water (like a cauldron-pond) corresponds to the Hebrew letter mem ם. Together, the mist and the cauldron-pond form the word אדם (adam, in terms of mankind), a code for the 3 archetypal souls of mankind - Adam, David and Mashiach.

As discussed in previous entries, the two primal goddesses in my vision were wrestling in the cauldron-pond to bring forth a unified messianic consciousness. The mist of ruach Elohim hovered over them. The two primal goddesses in the cauldron-pond represent ruach Hashem wrestling toward unification of the Essential Divine Name and its expression into unified messianic consciousness.

Ezer knegdo phrases based on Bereshit 2:6.

"... there arose a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground."

"... there arose a mist from the waters, and seeded the whole face of the air" (see avir kadmon and it's relationship to mem/waters).

Ruach Hashem & The Birth Of An Anointing Prophet

Interestingly, the (ה) feminine vision of ruach Hashem (זה נבואה) occurred on second day of Rosh Hashanah of the year 5768 (see link for elucidation). The brit milah of Shmu'el ben Chanah occurred in a dream this morning, the shabbat immediately following Rosh Hashanah. Chanah is one of my Hebrew names and the birth and dedication of the prophet Shmu'el is in the haftarah for the first day of Rosh Hashanah.

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