Sunday, June 03, 2007

Prophetic Prima Donna

י"ז בסיון תשס"ז

DovBear and the BabyBears talked Torah and tried to figure out if Moshe's Cushite wife was beautiful or black or both, and came to the conclusion that Miriam's sin when speaking against Moshe's Cushite wife was that Miriam was a racist.

This is what the witch thinks Miriam's sin may have really been.

Moshe was the greatest prophet among the gathered of the tribes. He had no male prophetic rival (except for Korach who thought he was as great as Moshe). Miriam was the greatest female prophet among the gathered of the tribes, although she was not as great a prophet as Moshe. She had no female rival.

Necessarily, Moshe's bashert would be as great a prophet as Moshe himself. Consequently, any wife of Moshe's who was his true bashert would indeed be a greater prophet than Miriam. Racism wasn't driving Miriam's opposition to Moshe's Cushite wife. Miriam knew that when Moshe's bashert was found and gathered into the tribes, Miriam would no longer be the greatest female prophet among the gathered of the tribes. Moshe's wife would be.

Consequently, Miriam may have been protecting her own status as the greatest female prophet among the gathered of the tribes. It may have been for this reason that she spoke against Moshe's Cushite wife, playing the "race card" to incite opposition against Moshe's Cushite wife, an "other" woman, fearing for herself that indeed, the Cushite woman was Moshe's bashert.

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