Saturday, June 09, 2007

Protected Door

כ"ג בסיון תשס"ז

Sundown Sunday marks Duir 1 of the Celtic witch's calendar. Yesterday I purchased a framed $80 picture of an arched (see chatoteret) white door on sale for $26.66 for my office. I'm going to hang it on my office wall Sunday. It's a lovely piece of art.

Duir is the seventh letter of the Celtic ogham and corresponds to the letters D and dalet. Duir is a letter of 2 lines on a foundation of 1 line (see chet ח) which protects the door from the malice and ill-will of any evil-doer (זד). Interestingly, the Celtic letter duir is an inverted upside down (hafucha) version of the Hebrew letter chet.

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