Monday, July 17, 2006

In Five Days

I dreamt.

It was nighttime. I was in my parents' house. Something was going on outside, all in the house were awakened by some commotion.

The sky was lit up by falling rockets which were also fireballs. They were showering the town and falling all around the house as well. One flaming spark came through the roof and landed in my mother's bed with her sitting up in it. It was just an outer spark of a fireball, so it just evaporated into nothing and didn't burn her or anything.

We heard the news. California was waging war with the town we lived in. The town wouldn't acquiesce to California's dictates, so California had declared war on it, showering the town with fireball rockets.

I woke up. "In 5 days" (ה) and/or "5 days" (ה), I heard both phrases (י) simultaneously in one (א) phrase.

Sigh. Gelaw.

ithapcha chashocha lenehora, transforming the pulsa denura:
from night to day

in my parents' house -> abba & imma in olam ha'atzilut
something -> love the "revealed something"
all were awakened -> the pinteleh yid was aroused
the sky -> in which the messianic reality flies
lit up by fireballs -> lashes of fire
showering -> messianic sparks
one flaming spark -> the messianic soul spark
through the roof -> fenced, the messianic spark didn't "fall off it"
the bed -> revealing the good in the apparent bad
fire - > din transformed to gevurah
nothing - > bitul bimtzuit mamash
California -> west coast, ateret hayesod, the source of malchut
a state of war -> a state of extroversion, the "run" in ratzo v'shov
dictates -> beit din, convert
5 -> the power of expression ה
both phrases -> tzimtzum י; nekudah tovah, the pinteleh yid א
one phrase -> fusing the stones into achdut
woke up -> complete teshuvah, the "return" in ratzo v'shov
gelaw, malchut is the law - > baalat teshuvah

creating a messianic reality through transforming the pulsa denura

What is the power (gelaw) of teshuvah? R' Yitzchak Ginsburgh writes:

Teshuvah has the ability to avert God's punishment and subdue His anger.
Talmud Brachot 7a:
May it be Your will in front of You that Your mercy should conquer Your anger and that Your mercy should be revealed amongst Your attributes, and that You shall act with Your children using the attribute of mercy, and You should treat them to a greater extent than their judgment.

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