Monday, October 30, 2006

The Essence Of Teshuvah In The House Of David

Tzedek, tzedek we have pursued ... Devarim 16:20

In my previous entry, I wrote:

In the first dream "half" in the karmelis, the deathly-white spider was ripped in half. In this dream "half", in our private domain, the "baby", where the value of baby in hebrew is equivalent to "the shadow of death" [1], irretrievably disappears. Consequently, the two "halves" of the dream represent a progression whereby "death is removed" from our experience together.

The hebrew word for “half” is חץ, from the root חצץ, meaning to “separate” and “walling off”.

This morning's dream ח-לום was split into halves [2] צ-צ. The first half of the dream was likewise internally split in half by the presence of a thin “dividing wall” which protectively [3] “walled off” ח-ומה the space of the karmelis (where we were) from the reshut harabim (where others were). So, here I have a "halves within halves" - like a holograph containing the essence of the idea of “two halves”.

In kabbalah, we come across the idea of “halves” in analyses of the letter shin. With a gematria of 300, the letter shin represents 300 arrows, where in battle with Pharaoh Necoh [4], one “sharpened arrow” (חץ שנון) killed King Yoshiyahu, a righteous mashiach from the House of David.

From this data, we can see that the idea of “half” is connected and pivotal to the House of David and to mashiach ben David. In other words, one must pass the test of the splitting the shin to survive as an anointed one of the House of David. Moreover, splitting the shin into "halves" is the critical assay regarding fitness with respect to the transition from ben Yosef (Yesod) to ben David (Malchut). In other words, if the “halving” is successful, mashiach ben David from the House of David lives. If not, he dies.

In my dream, the shadow of death (in the baby symbolism) is dealt death forever (irretrievably). Not my bashert, who lives.


[1] The gematria of baby תינוק is 566, the same gematria as "shadow of death" צלמות (Tehilim 23:4).

[2] Tzedek elyon and tzedek tachton (Sha'are Orah, R' Yosef Gikatilla); and the "bodies" of tzadik and tzedeket in the Presence of the Shechinah.

[3] See Chozeret B'Teshuvah (fn. 3) regarding chemah/chomah and davah/hod. The dream immediately followed anger arising from being within a public place.

[4] R' Yitzchak Ginsburgh, The Hebrew Letters, on the letter shin (p. 320)

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