Saturday, October 14, 2006

Yedidim & The Net Of New Beginning

יבא ידיד בן ידיד יבנה ידיד לידיד בחלקו של ידיד ויתכפרו בו ידידים
Talmudic Riddle [1]

I dreamt.

I was on a journey, and walking beside me was King Kong. We were headed toward a distant place. I could see it on the horizon. The tall buildings that rose against the skyline reminded me of a magic kingdom. King Kong and I were headed there. Walking together, side by side. Good friends. Yedidim.

When we arrived at the magical kingdom, some kind of celebration was taking place. Like the citizens were ritually dancing a yearly welcome for King Kong's arrival. But, they didn't like me for some reason. I had never accompanied King Kong before (zeh zeh) and they ignored me [2], King Kong's friend. Like I was nothing.

A troupe of dancers, men and women both, were suspended [3] in the air performing a highwire acrobatics act near King Kong's face, dancing before his eyes. Laughing. Celebrating. All the while, all were ignoring me, his close friend, as if I didn't exist.

Then suddenly, a nameless terror struck them - King Kong took the formless material with which they dangled themselves for their acrobats in front of his face, turned it into a large net [4] רשת, and trapped all the the highwire dancers in it. Then he ate them!

I saw them struggle, trying to get out from between his great teeth, horrifically surprised at this turn of events, before he swallowed them all down in one large gulp. Then, I saw them "arrive" in his stomach for "brief instruction", before being sent on to the next stage of digestion. Most were sitting in subdued incredulous shock, but a few wanted to fight being eaten! As if they could! - they were already eaten! They were in a classroom, but I sensed it to be an antechamber to gehinnom.

I woke up.


[1] The Wisdom In The Hebrew Alphabet, R' Michael Munk (p. 132)

[2] see להימא and its relationship to Elokim

[3] see belimah and its relationship to Elokim

[4] From the Meru Foundation, discussing Torah Codes: "The commonly held root of B'reshit is reshit, based on resh, meaning "head," or in other words, "In the beginning." But that's not the only possible root. The alternative is reshet, and reshet refers to a [woven] net or network."

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