Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Root Of Prophetic Kabbalah

ב' באב תשס"ז

Today's Hebrew letter tarot reading was performed during the planetary hour of bridge-building Mars, with the waxing crescent moon 12% [1] full. The last two letters were stuck together when I pulled a card from the deck. When this happens, I keep both cards and have 4 letters instead of the consciously intended 3. In order, the letters were:

tet-shin-kuf-ayin טשקע

This configuration means that the Hebrew letter tet (ט) -- symbolizing the power to judge properly, correct power of the imaginative faculty, eternal truth, and the meanings of the Torah cantillations -- is embedded deeply (שקע) in my soul [2, 3]. It is significant that the 4 letters (matriarchs) were chosen from the deck while the moon was 12% full - these data taken together suggest access to and insight derived through the root of prophetic kabbalah.


[1] Twelve "elemental" simple Hebrew letters representing the boundaries of the universe: הוזחטילנסעצק

[2] The Hebrew Letters, R' Yitzchak Ginsburgh

[3] Etymological Dictionary Of Biblical Hebrew, R' Matityahu Clark

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