Thursday, August 03, 2006

Malbush Chashmal & Original Language

I dreamt.

Two men were practicing their golf (shoresh-letter: גול-ף) strokes on the ice covering the icy-snowy road that runs in front of my parents house. There was a hole in the ice to catch the golfball which was really a little ball of ice. It was winter מ time. The time was dusky. There was something partly strange about this. I knew they weren't really practicing their golf strokes in the winter ice. It was a ritual of some sort.

I was traveling in a pickup truck away from the area in which my parent's home stood, toward a place in the east. The season was summer ש, not wintry like the road we had left. I was in the truck with another woman, the driver of the truck, who was taking me there on a mission. I thought it was related to an employment opportunity.

It was daytime, bright and sunny. The sky was blue and clear. Strangely, the driver was driving on the wrong side of the road. I noticed it and pointed it out to her. All of a sudden, she also saw that she was on the wrong side of the road and pulled over to drive from the left shoulder to avoid collision with an oncoming stream of traffic filling both lanes, but she couldn't stop the vehicle. Even unable to stop the vehicle, she nevertheless avoided the vehicles coming towards us on the road by driving off the pavement and onto the shoulder. She was trying to figure out out to steer her truck back into the proper lane against the oncoming traffic.

Suddenly, in the distance, coming towards us in both lanes were two giant mystical-looking creatures, one creature in each of the two lanes. They weren't fully material creatures. They were in the process of taking form. And extremely dangerous. I saw and perceived them, but the woman who was driving didn't. We would avoid contact with the creatures by remaining on the left shoulder of the road. Baruch Hashem that I had noticed the woman driving against traffic. Baruch Hashem that she had also been able to see that after I had pointed it out and had steered the truck onto the closest shoulder, the left shoulder.

Instinctively, immediately upon seeing the giant mystical creatures coming toward us, I closed all the truck's windows, sealing off to the creatures any potential portals of entry into the truck. Somehow, closing all the windows prevented the creatures from noticing us on the left side of the road. With the windows closed, they couldn't see us driving in the wind א.

Something was amiss. I knew it. Something big was about to happen. Those creatures were the first of many of their kind coming. I אהוי knew it. Yet, the day was still sunny and bright. The sky was still blue. It was a beautiful day. Yet, something was amiss. And I knew it.

We arrived at a little midwest town east of my parents little midwest town. The woman and I went to a family's house. We were there on some sort of purposeful mission, to make some kind of arrangement, but it's not clear to me what kind of arrangement it was. There were some coins of money involved in the exchanging transaction. I wasn't really involved directly in whatever deal was going down. The woman who had driven us there was concluding a deal with the man of the house. I noticed it from the side.

As the deal was concluded, we went out the front of the home. It was still a sunny, bright and beautiful day. All of a sudden, many people were running screaming down the sidewalk from the east towards the west. What's going on? the woman and I questioned those running. Just run! one of those running screamed as she evaporated into thin air.

Then I knew it. The giant mystical creatures! They were still in a state of being not completely formed, so no could see them, but they were in the wind that was blowing greatly now.

The woman and I turned and ran back into the home, shutting the door against the wind which I knew had the giant creatures in it and she knew had something awful in it.

Quick! I commanded to all in the home. Shut and seal all the windows and doors. All of the windows and doors were shut and sealed, except for the two sliding glass doors assigned to the woman who had driven me to this place and my door. She went to her sliding glass door and I went to mine to hold them closed against the incredibly powerful wind that was descending upon the house.

A mighty wind. A hurricane force wind tried to blow our doors open. I held mine shut with all my strength, using all my extremities against the edges that buckled against the hurricane force trying to break in. I would not let go. I would hold my door closed even if it killed me.

The creature in the wind couldn't break through my door. Yet, even as I saw the creature begin to move on, giving up the struggle, I saw that the other woman had lost her grip on her door. It blew open fiercely. The unformed creature came right inside her doorway. The creature was covered by a fog, but within the fog, I could see that the creature was an illuminated creature in the form of a glowing glow in the midst of the wind. Like a kelipat nogah.

It encapsulated her in a rectangular upright chamber - like a tomb and a transporter. Only inside the woman's chamber, there were two people - she and a man. The creatures in the wind had captured two people in capturing her.

All of a sudden, the chamber with the two people vanished. The wind and the creature vanished with them. Each creature apparently was assigned one "personal" task. It couldn't take more than one (which was two, actually) that it came for. Like a malach has one mission, so too each of the creatures.

I saw to where the chamber with the two captured people in it was being transported. It was being taken to build a great mountainous tower. This particular chamber was one of the stones being used to build it. It was placed high near the top (about 1/6th down from the projected capstone) on the left side. It reminded me of the tower of Bavel. The creatures were building a mighty tower with which to conquer the world!

Suddenly, I was in a place like where military fighters might go to restock supplies, receive notes regarding orders, etc. But, it was also like a public human coatroom as well, where people hang their coats and stuff. The creatures in this place had human form. They were getting supplies and information from their home base here. I acted like one of them when some of the creatures (who looked like humans) came in. One of them spoke to me, not suspecting at all that I wasn't a hidden creature too. I answered him. I could speak his language. He suspected nothing. I had command of the language.

On a bulletin board were pictures of people recently captured. My captured friend was among them. His name was Yehudah HaLevy. I saw his picture with the information regarding where he had been taken beneath it. I took his picture down from the bulletin board and took the information beneath it as well. One of the other creatures looked at me as I did this. "This one's my mission," I told the creature. It thought I meant that I was to capture this one for the tower.

But, I meant that this one I am going to rescue from the tower and topple the tower down.

I woke up.

Micha Berger points out:

In Avodah 11.076 RSM writes (in part):

The Torah existed before the world, but dibb'ro Torah bilshon b'nei odom -- meaning the language by spoken by people at the time it was given. HQB'H planned Mattan Torah from the Beginning and knew how people would be speaking at the time. Had he given it to Noah exactly as it was given, Noah would have probably understood it but thought its language to be a little funny: he might have used other words that were more common in his time.

On Areivim he spoke of these earlier versions of LhQ as proto-Hebrew a fact already made public on Avodah beshe'as ma'aseh). Complete with the theory that there were once two ayin's that collapsed into a single letter before matan Torah.

Which opens up the possibility (not discussed then, introduced now by myself that LhQ and Aramaic didn't yet diverge. Avraham could have spoken both bevas achas!

When Ayins Collide
ליאורה חנה אלישבע צברה בת אהוביה ואדר
reposted from here, and here as Sarah HaTorah

penetrating thoughtbare, elemental, experiential, evidential
material testimonies distinctly marking the matter
rigorous, rigorous the law inhabiting the arc
cleaving between secret prayers apprehended two by two
virtual plasmas of no thing, reverberating neither dark nor light
a shabbat tzadi field of life radically brilliant
in it, some ancient devotion eternally new
bursting through some remnant of female reflection
like quarks with gluons and pion strings rushing against the wind
where creating and annihilating operators run and return
nowhere, somewhere between being and not, entering and leaving
reiterating iterating, with a wondering observation
transmitting no thing, yet something
the small reaching cry of one I love in need
caught between the panes, released from the window
into my chamber like handwriting anonymously up the wall
collisions in original script, binding up the void
leaping over quantum time in bloom, perpetually present, a gate
to a land erupting letters, ashrei crossing over

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