Thursday, August 03, 2006

Gleanings Of The Faithful Olive Tree

once cursed
the bitter, bitter exile of returning
te-hom dai
to confusion once betrothed
with a timeless terror once wrapped up
shattered into expression, shorn defenseless
meant to die
tightly bound to a consuming sentence of disarrangement
sealed, marked and plunged
without compassion, mercilessly
into agitating black depths
buried alive
frozen, a terrible ice
sightless and soundless, the deep deep ageless night
roaring with silence, the chilling black fire, the burning frost
biting the mind, cutting the heart, searing the flesh
down to the sacred bone, faithful and true
clinging thoughtbare, beyond will, inhabiting the gut
reeling through the abyss, one eternal flame unextinguished
rising off tattered, desolate emotions
blowing an elixir of redemption in ineffable rhythmless rhythm
leading through it
to you


from my
musical poem

gleanings of
the faithful
olive tree
Yishayahu 17:6
Sanhedrin 95b

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