Sunday, June 01, 2008

Neanderthal Kabbalah

כ'ז באייר תשס"ח
Mab 28

LOL. An example of a totally neanderthal understanding of witchcraft by a rabbi - Rabbi Bar Tzadok of Kosher Torah writes:

If you see nothing diabolical in witchcraft, then you obviously know nothing about its practices or its practitioners.

This is what real witchcraft is about: the casting of spells in an attempt to manipulate the minds and feelings of others, the sacrifices of animals, the ripping out their organs and the drinking of their blood, the invocation of demons, and other dangerous mind altering psychological practices.

Witchcraft goes under various names today to disguise itself. Under such names as Wicca and Goths, witchcraft and the likes are responsible for numerous teenage mental breakdowns, suicides, and murder.

Unfortunately, we adults are enchanted by the surface delight of Harry Potter and we do not pay enough attention to what lies underneath.

Parents will not foresee the inherent danger to their children while they are still young. While they are young, messages like those in Harry Potter merely plant the seeds of delight in witchcraft. Once the children become teenagers, they have the ability to use their local libraries and the Internet to find out about real witchcraft. Granted, not every student of witchcraft becomes a cold-blooded murderer or commits suicide. Nonetheless, we already have so many examples of those who did. All these poor unfortunate souls shared one common trait: their passionate pursuit of witchcraft led them to the darkest sides of human behavior.

Thank goddess! people can use their local libraries and the internet to find out about real witchcraft and not blindly accept this kind of drivel about it.

Harry Potter magically transforms a dark part of human life and makes it so appealing.

A spark of truth. Build on that idea rabbi.

This is why I find the Harry Potter phenomenon so dangerous.

That's why I find it so Divine.


Steg (dos iz nit der šteg) said...

hey, at least he didn't mention Dungeons & Dragons ;-)

Lori said...

you are a brave soul to comment unanonymously on the witch's blog - watch out, you may be ostracized by the rest of the tribe

Dare to be true to yourself.