Sunday, July 01, 2007

Behold Good In Tammuz

ט"ו בתמוז תשס"ז

Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh writes regarding the appearance of Moses in every generation as it pertains to the month of Tammuz:

After the giving of the Torah (at the beginning of the month of Sivan), Moses ascended Mt. Sinai, where he stayed "forty days and forty nights" until the seventeenth (tov--"good" = 17) of Tammuz ("there is no 'good' other than Torah"--Ethics of the Fathers 6:3). Were it not for the sin of the golden calf--which came about as a result of the imaginative faculty's deception that Moses had died (Talmud Bavli, Shabbat 89a) we would have merited the ability to see concretely G-d's "goodness" each day (as it is known that "G-d is the essence of 'good'," "and by nature, one who is good always desires to do good"). That very day witnessed the completion of the giving of the true "good" to the "good" people, or as the Sages state: "Let the "good" one (Moses) come and receive the "good" (Torah) from the "Good One" (G-d) for the "good" people (Israel; Talmud Bavli, Menachot 53b).

Interestingly, one of my Esbat Tammuz entries, The Birth Of Messianic Consciousness, brings down a similar message; namely, "behold good", which concerns the transformation of Mosaic consciousness into messianic consciousness.

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