Friday, December 08, 2006

Binyamin & The Dark Feminine

Dave @ Balashon writes regarding Binyamin:

There are a number of explanations for the name Binyamin בנימין ( Bereshit 35:18): "son of my right hand" (ben yamin - בן ימין , literal translation - although the Binyaminites were left-handed: Shoftim 3:15, 20:16) "son of the south" (Rashi says south of Aram, Ramban says Aram is east of Eretz Yisrael, but Steg suggests that Binyamin is the southernmost tribe of the children of Rachel) "son of strength" (Ramban) ... Jastrow and Steinberg connect yamin to the root אמן meaning "firm, steady".

The right hand was also considered stronger, and therefore the right side represented dexterity and strength.

First, we see that the Binyaminites were left-handed. In other words, their strength resided with the Dark Feminine principle.

Second, this portion is relevant to my dream earlier today, Key To The Temple, where community leaders enlisted the service of a female representative of the Dark Feminine to "rip off" the right arm/hand of my mummy (my male counterpart and bashert). The community leaders were operating on the belief that Binyamin (the Dark Feminine) is the recipient of "Yaakov's" right-handed strength. By ripping off my mummy's right arm/hand, they sought to cripple our strength by preventing the transfer of "right-handed power" from my Yaakov to me, a Dark Feminine force outside the control of community leaders.

Third, I stood firm and steady against this treachery, stopping the whole Temple-building endeavor from proceeding until the harm done is rectified and the healing sealed. I am not merely a female representative of the Dark Feminine power structure. Neither am I a weak hand. I am a Binyaminite force in my own name. See, Binyamin means a firm and steady left hand. Amen, אמן

Lleucu, The Secret Of Amen

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