Friday, September 01, 2006

Mesirut Nefesh, Imma Ila'ah & Leatid Lavo

אלול.ט remember, I sacrificed my soul for you ... shabbat 89b

ever in my ear, a feast absolutely senseless, with a holy madness
seizing the moments, turning over time, plunging into history
one sight, one mind, our bodyguard
the curious melody that plays your heartsound, a mystery mark
weaving secretly through mine
upon reverberating strings jeweled with a rhythm of the land
smelling darkly deep, a resurrecting wine fully alive
aged on the way, homeward bound
body and soul, dancing like lovers with eternal breath
a song between two old friends
an extraordinary ordinary treasure
resting plainly like a tool within some wooden dreambox
gently blowing
the most beautiful light of midnight

mesirut nefesh & halachah ve-ein morin kein

leatid lavo & imma ila'ah - the Torah that we learn takes us out of the grave

"The future to come" (leatid lavo לעתיד לבא) is a higher revelation than that of "the coming world" (olam haba עולם הבא): In the writings of the Arizal it is explained that "the coming world" corresponds to the level called Tevunah, whereas "the future to come" corresponds to the level called Imma Ila'ah, which is higher. - R' Yitzchak Ginsburgh, The Alef-Beit

akeidat Yitzchak, leatid lavo and arguing G-d for redemption:

R' Shmuel, the son of Nachmani, said in the name of Rav Yonatan: "What does the verse mean, You are our father, for Abraham did not know us and Israel did not recognize us. You [G-d], our Father, Redeemer, forever is Your Name. [Isaiah 63:16]. In the future (leatid lavo), God will say to Abraham, 'Your children have sinned against me.' And Abraham will say in front of Him, 'Master of the Universe, wipe them out for of the sanctification of Your Name.' God will say, 'Perhaps Jacob, who had experienced difficulty raising his children, will ask for mercy for the Jewish people.' G-d will say to him, 'Your children have sinned against Me.' Jacob will say in front of Him, 'Master of the Universe, wipe them out for the sanctification of Your Name.' God will say, 'The old man has no reason, and the young one has no advice." God will then say to Isaac, 'Your children have sinned against me.' He will say in front of Him, 'Master of the Universe, my children? My children, and not Your children? When the Jews said, We will do and we will listen, You called them my first-born son, and now You call them my children, and not Your children? Besides, how much did they sin? How many years are the years of a man's life, seventy? Subtract [the first] 20, for which a person is not punished, you are left with 50. Subtract 25, which are evenings, and you are left with 25. Subtract 12-1/2 which a person uses to pray, to eat, and answer nature's call, and you are left with 12-1/2. If You can tolerate all of this, good; if not, then let us split it, half on You and half on me. If you will say that all of the years of their sins are on me, remember that I sacrificed my soul in front of you (for you).'" [Shabbat 89b]


This is important to know, because another name for the sefirah of Yesod is "Goel," which means "Redeemer" (Ziv HaZohar). In other words, if redemption is a function of the sixth sefirah - and it is:

The Yesod divided into two kings, the Yesod and the Atarah. The Atarah is relevant to "malchus" since it is her (Yesod's) crown, which is why it is called "Atarah". . . Therefore, the Yesod and the Atarah became two, but after the tikun the Yesod and the Atarah became one in order to join together Zehr Anpin and Nukveh, forever . . . This is the sod of "Yemos HaMoshiach" being at the end of the sixth millennium . . . (Hakdamos v'Sha'arim, page 172) - and Yesod, by definition, cannot hold back its blessing. Redemption is then bound to spill out early just as the revelation of Yosef's true identity.

yesod, the light of binah (imma) & redemption:

If we, the Jewish people, act as if God and Torah are all that counts, then, the light of binah is drawn down and becomes attached to the lower six sefirot, and, this, in turn, elevates these six sefirot upward towards binah. The result is redemption.

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