Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Power To Reconcile Opposites

Since I've never explained the title of my blog, livejournal and website before, this is just a blurb regarding the significance of Walking On Fire.

I choose the name Walking On Fire in consideration of my longstanding obsession with the idea (R' Adin Steinsaltz, In The Beginning) that:

The purpose of creation and of our being in it is to integrate the worlds of tohu and tikun into a third order of existence much greater than either tohu or tikun of itself.

Supporting this endeavor, R' Aryeh Kaplan on Sefer Yetzirah 3:2 writes:

One commentator states that the letters AMSh אמש contain the mystery through which one can walk on fire [1]. The reason for this may be because these letters [2] have the power to reconcile opposites. It is possible that Rav Zeira made use of this technique to prevent his feet from being burned in fire, as related in the Talmud [3].

Given that my blog's purpose is to reconcile the opposites of tohu and tikun in my own nature, I decided "walking on fire" would help me to realize that dream. Thus, my website (1st), blog (2nd) and livejournal (3rd) Walking On Fire were born.


[1] Saadia B. ad loc, Sefer HaChaim
[2] the mother letters, אמש
[3] Bava Metzia 85b

related writings: imos hakeriah & the divine name Ehevi

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GreyGhost said...

What then does "Walkink among the stones of fire" refer?

Unknown said...

The HaShem infinite love leaves HIS imprint and intelligence in all object (universe), the fire is only one ! Everething is made with infinite love.

Dare to be true to yourself.