Monday, May 14, 2007

Serenity 666-5

כ"ו באייר תשס"ז

As noted in my previous entry, the final phase of the 39-portion reversal and protection ritual began during the planetary hour of Mars, under the influence of the letter gimel and the concept of reward and punishment. Bringing the entire procedure to completion this past evening, the final phase ended as the candle flame burned out and the petition parchment was burned to ashes in the censer, during the planetary hour of Saturn, under the influence of the letter reish, corresponding to both the Yosef archetype and to the gift of serenity.

Serenity, which received the entire "39 portions", kabbalistically corresponds to the 40th year following the household census by number of names. Interestingly, this is the 40th year following the epiphany I experienced at 6 years old in 1967.

Serenity in Hebrew is שלווה. Here again, in שלווה, as two letters vav constitute "the double number" of my 6 personal names, are two letters vav confirmed.

This year is connected to that year, 40 years ago. All of these connections are via the number 6.

6 years old
6 names
and 6 is the number of my names


Maybe I am the anti-moshiach? LOL. Naw.

שלווה has a gematria of 347, with a digit sum of 14 and a final digit sum of 5.

So, I'm really 666-5.

UPDATE 051907 - Tefillas Ha'Sheloh via ADDeRabbi

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