Friday, May 04, 2007

Motzi Shem Ra

ט"ז באייר תשס"ז

Those who seek to assassinate the character and good name of other bloggers, like those (whoever they may be) who created the defamatory blog against Tikun Olam, are simply engaging in motzi shem ra.

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Richard said...

Thanks, Liorah for your support. It's much appreciated. Yours is one of the first Jewish blogs which has come out with such support. Chaim Rubin just told me he would as well.

Lori said...

I know the seriousness of character assassinations. I've been a victim of it myself, and have not yet recovered.

Richard said...

I've just received a letter threatening me with a defamation lawsuit. It was sent by an ally of the person who created the blog which defames me. The ltr is a naked attempt to stifle & intimidate me into submission and it will not work.

Anonymous said...

shem assinated nimrod the greatest of hunters.Nimrod posessed some type of cloak that aloowed him ultimate strength and stealth. He killed a lot of dionosaurs!

Dare to be true to yourself.