Saturday, May 05, 2007

4-Shin On Understanding And Joy

י"ז באייר תשס"ז

I am 46, and have been a practicing kabbalist for over a decade. A bit over a year ago, I began to formally blend into that practice elements of Celtic witchcraft and Native American shamanism (I have Celtic and NA ancestries, as well as a Jewish ancestry). Initially, I began studying witchcraft and shamanism as a way to honor all my ancestors, but what I found is that, while kabbalah forms the greater foundation of my current mystical-magical knowledge, there exists within me something only satisfied through Celtic witchcraft.

Kabbalah brings me understanding. Witchcraft brings me joy.

Both understanding and joy (gilah) are functions of Binah, where Binah corresponds to the 4-shin of Beriyah. I suggest that the attributes of mindful understanding and joy correspond to the two inner flames of the divine feminine 4-shin.

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