Sunday, May 13, 2007

Ineffable & Nameless, 39 Years Later

כ"ו באייר תשס"ז

In my previous entry, I discussed the census of Bamidbar 1:2 wherein a household was counted according to the number of all the names of remembrance. Sforno comments on this census by names:

It was a great honor for each person that s/he gave his name, as an individual, to Moses and Aaron (Ramban). At that point in history, a person's name was Divinely inspired to indicate his/her personal virtues. In the census before the nation crossed the Jordan, thirty-nine years later, this was no longer the case, and there was no mention of names.

Interestingly, the final portion of my 3-phase reversal and protection ritual is currently completing as I type this. The 13th portion of the third candle is burning out. Over the entire course of the reversal procedure, 39 total portions (3 X 13) have been burned.

Tonight's 39th portion began burning during the planetary hour of Mars (corresponding to the letter gimel ג), with the waning crescent moon 11% full, under the influence of day 41 of the omer (yesod of yesod).

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1 comment:

Lori said...

The entire 3-phase reversal and protection ritual completed during the planetary hour of Saturn, under the influence of the letter reish, the archetype Yosef, and the gift serenity.

Dare to be true to yourself.