Sunday, May 27, 2007

Prophecy & The Black Panther

י"א בסיון תשס"ז

In an earlier post today I discussed a dream I had this morning. In the dream was a black panther who clearly knew that I was an unusually powerful witch when none of the magically inclined humans under it's guard did. It also "spoke" to me - sort of an odd twist to the story of Bilaam's donkey. Only in my dream, the animal's spirit didn't speak to those whom it served. It spoke to me instead, an "adversary" against the thieving system which had stolen my husband's treasure.

Later in the day today, over at Esser Agaroth for Haveil Havalim #118, "the cat" was out of the bag. And running free.

Consequently, I became curious as to the shamanic symbolism of the black panther in my dream. Interestingly, the black panther is connected to prophetic communication. Native American shamanism links these keywords to the spirit of the black panther, whose "wind" concerns "the quest within":

prophet (role)
reclaiming power (lesson)
energy awareness
lunar magic
shapeshifting (transformative medicine)

With respect to black panther's prophetic energy, Wolfs Moon at Life Paths writes:

Mysticism surrounds the Black Panther, and for centuries two-leggeds have observed these graceful predators as they prowl the jungles of their domain and slip, black as midnight vapor, between tree limbs and vines.

Black Panther, with his penetrating yellow-green gaze, evokes the sense that he is capable of looking into the ~future,~ hence this beautiful cat is closely linked to Seers and Prophets.

***For the two-legged who journey beside Black Panther, this may either take the form of one who can literally see into the ~future,~ or this gift of insight is manifested as a keen insight into the reasoning, action and motive of Others.

Because these souls possess the gift to see to the motives of another, the "future" consequences of that individual's motives and actions are clearly visible to the Panther individual, and they can appear almost prophetic when warning another of the ramifications that may befall should their current motives remain ulterior, selfish or evasive.

For those Black Panther souls who literally do "see the future," this can be quite a challenging aspect of their Earthwalk, for with this special ~gift~ also comes the responsibility of discerning when and how much of this knowledge is meant to be shared. Equally, as the ~future~ is continuously being shaped by our present thoughts, decisions, and actions, the future is ever-changing and hence, any future seen or perceived is only one of many alternate ~future realities.~ Yet more often than not, the visions of the future received are meant purely as guide posts and/or warnings, hence it is still down to the individual to create his/her own future.***

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1 comment:

Lori said...

F/U - Israeli Leopard In The News:

Man clad in underwear pins leopard
By ARON HELLER, Associated Press Writer
Tue May 29, 6:03 PM ET

JERUSALEM - A man clad only in underwear and a T-shirt wrestled a wild leopard to the floor and pinned it for 20 minutes after the cat leapt through a window of his home and hopped into bed with his sleeping family.

"This kind of thing doesn't happen every day," said 49-year-old Arthur Du Mosch, a nature guide. "I don't know why I did it. I wasn't thinking, I just acted."

Raviv Shapira, who heads the southern district of the

Israel Nature and Parks Protection Authority, said a half dozen leopards have been spotted recently near Du Mosch's small community of Kibbutz Sde Boker in the Negev desert in southern Israel, although they rarely threaten humans.

Shapira said it was probably food that lured the big cat. Leopards living near humans are usually too old to hunt in the wild and resort to chasing down domestic dogs and cats for food, he added.

Shapira said the leopard was very weak when park rangers arrived at Du Mosch's home after the surprise late-night visit. He said nature officials would likely release it back into the wild.

Full article at link.

Dare to be true to yourself.