Sunday, May 20, 2007

Haveil Havalim #117 Hosted At Jack's Shack

ג' בסיון תשס"ז

Haveil Havalim #117 has been hosted and published this week over at Jack's Shack.

I actually made my first submission to the Haveil Havalim carnival today. I also learned something new today - one can submit blog entries from blogs not their own. Duh! (I appreciate the link to my entry, Pakistan May Ignite Major War, but I didn't submit the post from my blog that's been linked in HH #17. Consequently, I'm curious as to why someone submitted that particular post. Oh, well.)

There is a cool Drive-In sign gracing this week's roundup. I am old enough to remember going to Drive-In movies. Yes, they were fun. I loved going to Drive-In movies. Every time I would go to one as a little girl, my parents would buy my brother and I a chocolate malt cup. The Drive-In where I grew up even had a swing set and small playground up near the large screen where all the kids could play before the movie started or if they became bored with the movie. Ah, those were the days!

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