Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Powered By Passion

כ"א באייר תשס"ז

DovBear writes regarding how prayer works:

We're changing OURSELVES so that the unchangable God will relate to us differently. Fire makes one thing black, another white, one thing hard, another soft. The change occurs not because the fire is different but because the objects that come in contact with it are different (Rambam).

Similarly, this is what I think.

Vessels can be changed. The focus of the unchangeable essence can be redirected. For example, love and hate are both driven by passion. Passion is the unchangeable essence of both love and hate, where both love and hate can change.

While love and hate can both change, the passion which is the core essence of both of them remains unchanged, whether it is expressed as love or hate or something else altogether or not expressed in a revealed fashion at all. Both prayer and spellcasting works with changing that which can be changed, while driving that change with the power of the unchangeable.

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