Monday, July 05, 2010

A Journey Of Consciousness Before Birth

כ״ג בתמוז תש"ע
Faunus 24

Bray of Fundy comments and asks on DovBear in response to the post on spirituality, "how can one explain a soul ?"

I can't explain a soul, but I certainly have consciously experienced it before it became anything linked to my own physicality. Whether or not anyone believes it, I actually have "memories" of what may, in fact, be the time my "consciousness" entered into a link with physicality at the time of fertilization of one of my mother's eggs - the one which would become "me." I also have a "memory" of the place where "I" existed before that point.

Believe it or not.

My experience is what it is - it is a continuous journey of consciousness that preexisted a direct link to the body that I currently inhabit in this life.

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