Saturday, December 20, 2008


כ"ג כסלו תשס"ט
Shamash 24

The twenty-first shaman stone in my Temple Collection represents the gentle spirit of Swan, a creature who mates for life with eternal fidelity. Faithful swan's lifespan can be as long as a human lifespan. During courtship, swans dance on the water with their necks and heads forming the heart shape traditionally associated with love and romance. The song a swan sings to its mate cannot be heard through ordinary hearing, for the swansong is a song of spirit. In Celtic tradition, Swan teaches that "everyone carries the potential for a radiant and everlasting beauty of mind and spirit." [1] For gentle Swan I have designated this rare salrose and cobaltian calcite natural cluster specimen from the Congo. Baroness pink in color, the stone's crystals overlap and embrace one another. It's simply and enchantingly magical.


[1] The Book Of Celtic Symbols, Joules Taylor

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