Thursday, April 09, 2009

Full Raven Moon Smudge Wand

י"ו ניסן תשס"ט
Raven 16

In follow-up to an earlier entry about the white sage smudge wand I didn't make, here is an entry about the Full Raven Moon Smudge Wand I did make.

Crafted under the Full Raven Moon during the planetary hour of the Moon, this exotic smudge wand contains buchu leaves and myrrh resin wrapped in leaves of black tang (also known as bladderwrack, seetang, sea spirit, sea oak, meeriche and kelp). All herbs correspond to the feminine power of the Moon and are certified organic.

A messenger of magic and mysticism, Raven is a creative and protective totem, bringing light and fire to ancient humankind in Native American folklore. Raven laughs. She is a keeper of secrets, a heroine and a fool, a juxtaposition of opposites, the creatress of the earth and all its mysteries. Bringing light from darkness (אתהפכא חשוכא לנהורא, in Jewish kabbalistic tradition), Raven is cloaked in black yet brings joy and mischievous humor into life.

Raise the wind, summon spirits, move the power of the hidden sea, experience transformation, dream prophetically and cast protection spells with the strength of the Full Raven Moon. Available at WITCHCRAFTS by Liorah Lleucu.

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