Saturday, February 25, 2012

Grunwald Family Surname Found Among Hungarian Budapest Jewry

ב׳ באדר תשע"ב
Keowulf 4
Ash 7

This article on Malchiel Gruenwald is evidence to support the recent genetic result I received of having Budapest Hungarian Ashkenazic Jewish ancestry. It is known in my family that on my mother's mother's side we have a Jewish Grunwald family line. Grunwald is a Jewish surname still found among Hungarian Jews of Budapest (at least it was before the Holocaust).

Quote from the article "although Gruenwald's own relatives were not so lucky: a third brother Philip, director of the Jewish Museum, was one of a number of Jews killed by Hungarian authorities in Budapest ..."

Philip Grunwald, this man's brother, lived in the Budapest Jewish community. Malchiel and Philip Grunwald had another brother, so while Malchiel ended up in Israel, and Philip was murdered in the Holocaust, I don't know what happened to the other brother or to the rest of the Grunwalds in Budapest, who may, in some way, be related to me.

"Hungary's pre-war Jewish population was 800,000, of which 180,000 survived."

Hungary: Jewish Family History Research Guide

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