Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Portal Of Paradox

ד' באייר תש"ע
Annwyn 5

Reb Gutman Locks of Mystical Paths writes on the infinity symbol:

There is a lot of confusion regarding the concept of "infinite." For instance, most people believe that numbers are infinite. But numbers are endless in only two directions. They increase and decrease "forever," without end, but their endlessness only goes up and down. If "infinite" really means "endless," or "boundless," then numbers do not fit this definition.

The common symbol for "infinite" has the same problem. It goes on and on, even forever, but only on its one track.

The definition of infinite that we want is truly boundless. For something to be truly boundless, it must be endless in all directions, not just up and down or just on a single track. If something is really endless in all directions, then it is the true infinite. To qualify as boundless, It has to be all. There can be only one such infinite. If there were two of them, neither one would be really boundless.

This subject came up the other day with a professor of mathematics. When I tried to explain why numbers are not really infinite, it rubbed his scientific principles the wrong way.

There is no confusion in the minds of lovers who "tie the knot". The infinity symbol is itself finite as are the physical bodies of a handfasting couple. Just as hands joined together in a symbol of infinity is not the physical totality of a couple's united being, the symbol itself at that point in time represents a surface of physical and conceptual intersection and intrasection (like a double tzimtzum which makes the place) into which All comes together with complete alignment. Likewise, the couple's united souls form a 'place' of intersection and intrasection betwixt their individual spirits where Divinity coalesces their reality. The infinity symbol is a portal of paradox (where the infinite and the finite are inseparate) within the Infinite. Lovers know what some mathematicians apparently do not.

Related entry: Celtic Knot Handfasting Cord

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