Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Binding Power Of Blæd, Blyss And Byrg Geniht

ג' באב תש"ע
Lughnasadh 4

Last night before going to bed, as per my usual procedure, I drew rune to discern and draw forth the energy of the Universe at work in my life at this particular time in the particular circumstance driving the divination. Interestingly, the rune I drew perfectly supported the entry (Linking Worlds In Conversation With The Universe) I had posted earlier that same evening.

The rune I drew was the bind-rune Wunjo, the w-rune characterized by joy, hope, harmony, pleasure and delight. Significant to my earlier entry, the cosmic function of Wunjo is to strengthen links and bonds. Edred Thorsson writes in Futhark, "Wunjo is the energy that binds different fields of force together." He further writes in Runelore, "the Wunjo describes the inner, subjective feeling one attains when in a state of inner/outer harmony - with self and environment. This is an active willed harmony toward specific evolutionary goals. The Wunjo marshalls diverse but sympathetic forces and/or beings to a common purpose."

Thorsson writes that three things determine the winning of Wunjo in Germanic tradition - the runester will have acquired:

1] blæd - prosperity (as it pertains to the inflow and outflow of soul energy)

2] blyss - to be filled with a sense of meaningfulness and joy

3] byrg geniht - a good house/enclosure for the soul

The first time I have drawn Wunjo in a divination, Wunjo now becomes the twenty-second rune (including the wyrd rune) in my personal runerow.

Runerow entries:

Runes 1-3: Transmission of a Sacred Secret
Rune 4: The Wholiness Code
Rune 5: Mysteries of the Staircase
Rune 6: The Ship of Safe Passage
Rune 7: The Ætheling
Rune 8: Communication
Rune 9: The Nature Of My Work
Runes 10-11: Wyrd Shema
Rune 12: The View From My Room
Rune 13: Thurisaz On The Falling Man
Rune 14: Power To Do It
Rune 15: Wyrd Preparation
Rune 16: Mother Of Manifest Blessing
Rune 17: By Force Of Destiny
Rune 18: The Othala Force
Rune 19: Secrets Of The Name
Rune 20: Vardlokkur
Rune 21: Alchemy Of The Word

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