ט"ה בתמוז תשס"ז
Oh, what magic is real life!
Esbat Tammuz. I've previously posted (here and here) that my Hebrew letter tarot card deck contains 22 cards. There are actually 23 cards in my Hebrew letter tarot deck. I'd forgotten.
I've had these cards for years and I deliberately didn't look at the face of the cards as I shuffled them during the only two tarot readings I've ever used them for to date. I have no thoughtful reason why I do that (carefully and purposefully not gaze at the face of the cards prior to "reading" them). I just have a thoughtbare reason beyond reason why I do it. The only time I see the face of the cards is as I read them. I didn't count them either.
Today's Shabbat Tarot reading.
עד Moon 100% full in Capricorn, during the planetary hour of the Sun.
I set out to choose 3 cards at random from a shuffled deck spread out faces hidden, in order, the first two came easily,
tet-hei טה
but the third card had a fourth card stuck behind it as I pulled it out from among the many. I was motionless for a few moments, trying to determine which of the two cards to return, but I was not moved to return either the top card or the one hidden and stuck behind it. So, I chose both together, turning the two final cards over in order:
nun and "the missing letter"
.... נ
the missing letter... ט הן
Hain (Behold) Tov (Good) ---- the missing letter
Like in the poem I republished last evening, Witch Dance (HaShetiyah), with 55 syllables (the gematria of hain הן) and a original web address "behold", "behold" was again iterated into my experience, with "tov" and "the missing letter" added to it this time.
The word "hain" announces the death of Moshe in Devarim 31:14:
'Behold, thy days approach that thou must die; call Joshua, and present yourselves in the tent of meeting, that I may give him a charge.'
Significantly, the additional meaning "tov" (from tet) and "the missing letter" are absent in this "behold" pasuk (verse). Moshe dies and Joshua takes over in Devarim. Yet, now with tov and the missing letter ...
Behold, thy days of messianic consciousness must come ... where the "death" of Moshe is exactly the "birth" of messianic consciousness.
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