Sunday, June 17, 2007

Kav B'Emtza

א' בתמוז תשס"ז

I've discovered yet another explicit connection between this week's parashah (Chukat) and my shabbat experience this past Friday night.

זאת חקת התורה

The word chukat (חקת) is the 9th word of the Torah portion Chukat. The number 9 corresponds to the Hebrew letter tet and symbolizes a bed. While at first I tried to sleep in the bed this past shabbat, I ended up sleeping on the floor before/beyond (depending on perspective) a door in room 6.

In my previous entry, I posited a seder of events:

the shabbat preceding the portion Chukat
chukat as a door
the reality of a vav-Torah

This past Friday night (zayin-et), I moved from the bed (chukat as the 9th word) to before/beyond the door (the final digit sum of chukat) in room 6 (where 6 corresponds to the central letter vav of haTorah).

In other words, my explicit reality incorporates the entire phrase זאת חקת התורה and it focused that night into the central letter (kav b'emtza) of a vav-Torah.

Reish. Today, I clarified it.

Hei. And expressed it in writing.

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