Saturday, June 16, 2007

Shamanic Heartwalk - Unifying Covenants

ל' בסיון תשס"ז

Last night following my father's cardiac surgery yesterday morning, my mother and I were hosted in the hospital's Guest House for families of ICU patients who live out of town. The Guest House was so clean, everyone had to wear surgical booties over their shoes to walk in it.

We slept in room 6 (as my father slept in the cardiovascular ICU on the 8th floor). The Guest House was elegant and the beds were gorgeous, but I couldn't sleep. My mind was occupied. It was too quiet. I tossed and turned for a few hours.

I normally sleep to the hum of a fan. There was no fan in the main room, but there was an exhaust fan in the bathroom. The bathroom with the humming fan in it was off to the side beyond a small alcove next to the room's door.

The room had a large window seat with an equally large cushion on it. So, I pulled the cushion from the window seat and placed it on the floor by the door, across from the alcove outside the bathroom. I slept there on the window seat cushion on the floor by the door. Then,

I dreamt.

I was walking as one among a group of travelers to The "Place of Making" Requests. The roadway was dark and tunnel-like. Moving on, branches joined to the main arteries of travel. There were checkpoints along the way where travelers were assessed to determine who could travel on beyond that particular point toward The "Place of Making" Requests and who couldn't. There was no actual procedure of assessment, but each person was judged by the atmosphere in the environment, sort of. There was an assessment but no assessor. A person either could or could not move on beyond that point. If a person couldn't move on, it was as if it was put into the person's mind to drop out of the journey. At each checkpoint, some in the group would drop out, while the rest of us would move on. At each checkpoint, the group got thinner and thinner.

Finally, we came to the checkpoints where few and fewer could go beyond and most dropped out of the journey. The dark main roadway curved around and up like a rampway, like an aorta or an interstate exit ramp might. At the base of the upwardly curving road, as one stepped up onto it, one had to pass through a light sensor made of a rainbow. Very few were able to pass through the rainbow and enter upon the curvature where the darkness of the main road began to lift.

I stepped through the rainbow and upon the lighted curvature that was now the road. With each step, more and more dropped out of the group, but I continued on. Curving around, I came to a place on the right hand side called The Place of The Kohen. It was another checkpoint. There may or may not have been anyone else in the group with me now. I was not alone, but I was not cognizant of any particular others being there. I passed through this checkpoint and continued on beyond it. Passing beyond The Place of The Kohen, the road curved further around and into The Light of The "Place of Making" Requests. I stepped forward into The Light of the "Place of Making" Requests.

I woke up.

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