Saturday, June 23, 2007

Staff Of Transformation & Unique Prophecy

ז' בתמוז תשס"ז

ואת-המטה הזה And thou shalt take in thy hand this rod, wherewith thou shalt do the signs. Shemot 4:17

In follow-up to my previous post regarding the ninth (ט) tarot reading I performed on myself, I decided to do the reading as usual without much forethought, just doing it. Shuffling through the cards to choose a card to represent me as the significator/querent (S/Q), the eight of wands gripped my eye immediately and without question as the one to choose. So I did, and it came to represent me in my ninth tarot reading just like the staff of Moses (ha-mateh Mosheh) came to represent Moses.

HaMateh (המטה) has a gematria of 59, a digit sum of 14 (the same as yad, יד hand) and a final digit sum of 5, which is the numerical value of the final hei (ה) of the tetragrammaton. The eight of wands represents the upper hei (Binah, also associated with the number eight [1] through the letter chet ח) of the tetragrammaton. In other words, the united consciousness driving choice of the card (upper hei) and its active reception by the reader (lower hei) represents female symmetry.


[1] HaZeh (הזה), from the phrase ואת-המטה הזה, has a gematria of 17 (tov טוב) and a digit sum of 8 (i.e., the 8 of wands). Thus, et comes to add, through hamateh, haZeh (the unique level of prophecy attained by Mosheh).

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