Friday, November 17, 2006

House On The Corner II

This morning, I dreamt. Of attempted spiritual murder.

I was living with my small children at the house we lived in located on the corner of National Street. Other children had come over and filled the house even as we were moving in. They got in the way and generally made messes on purpose. Their parents had sent them over to make trouble for me. I wanted them to go home now. I was trying to get moved in. They had overstayed their welcome and were distracting me from getting things accomplished.

My little daughter was in the bathtub. The other children who didn't belong had drawn me away from the bathroom by breaking things in the living room. When I went back into the bathroom, the tub was overflowing and my daughter had passed out, drowning. Her entire body was underwater, hair and all. One of the other children had held her under water until she had passed out.

I pulled her up out of the water and breathed into her face, "wake up". She woke up from the verge of death and the color returned to her face. Her cheeks became pink again with life.

The water which had spilled over onto the floor collected in a corner of a closet in the bathroom. After flowing into and collecting in the bathcloset corner, it disappeared.

I made the other children leave. Get out! Go home. Now. Before I throw you out or hurt you. They left. Some I had to force out. I tucked my own children into bed and finished moving in.

I woke up.

UPDATE: Kristallnacht

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