Sunday, August 12, 2007

Distinctive Cover

כ"ח באב תשס"ז

This afternoon the dark moon is new in Leo, the lion. The Temple is referred to as "the lion". With a soul-quality of Chochmah (Wisdom), the lion symbolizes the intellectual experience of new intuitive vision, the Hebrew letter tet, and through tet, to the bed upon which one rests.

In Celtic mysticism, the goddess Ceridwen is the keeper of the Holy Cauldron of transformative inspiration and Wisdom.

Transliterated into Hebrew letters, Ceridwen is שׂרדון. From the shoresh, שׂרד meaning "being distinctive", the root is employed in Shemot 35:19 to describe the distinctive cover [1] over the holy place worn by the Kohen Hagadol. The suffix "ון" implies continuity of action, perpetuation and everlasting, eternal faithfulness [2].

Thus, the name Ceridwen is a name of eternal faithfulness which distinctively covers the Holy Cauldron and brings down new intuitive Wisdom and visionary inspiration.

In observation of the dark new moon in Leo this afternoon, I will be kindling a 7.5" X 2" herbally charged black pillar, inscribed with the words לשׂרדון בקדש, dressed with Witch's Brew oil and sprinkled with Delight incense, on my altar. A Celtic incense blend will be burned in parallel.


[1] See the new distinctive cover I recently purchased for my bed, Tree of Life Tapestry.

[2] The Wisdom In The Hebrew Alphabet, R' Michael Munk

Related entries:
Perspective On Ceridwen Transliteration
Shamanic Vs. Modernist Mindset

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