Saturday, August 04, 2007

Eikev - Just Because

כ" באב תשס"ז

Wiki on Eikev:

Eikev, Ekev, Ekeb, or Eqeb (עקב — Hebrew for “because,” the second word, and the first distinctive word, in the parsha) is the 46th weekly Torah portion (parsha) in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading and the third in the book of Deuteronomy. It constitutes Deuteronomy 7:12–11:25. Jews in the Diaspora generally read it in August.

This reminds me of a poem I wrote a long time ago, originally published on my musical website as Presence By The River. Hmm. I wasn't thinking about the Mississippi River at the time, but certainly, given this week's bridge collapse into the Mississippi, and many miraculous survivals, both Jewish and Gentile children of Rivkah, one wonders ... just because.

walking thinking sitting contemplating
thoughtless restless meandering crazy light
I am
looking down upon the waters
flowing through life, quiet solitude covering
like warm mud between my toes, humming busy bees nearby
once a sad river breeze, my hair flowing in tune
thoughtless restless meandering crazy light
I am
smelling sound soft in the air
presence all around
among the reeds and grasses and whispering leaves
shadows of time playing in the mind
conceived, coming down
quiet river breathing, destiny shining, emptiness bursting full
curious creature is the mysterious living creature
I am
full of folly, wonderful folly
like warm mud between my toes, tapping a chaotic rhythm
because, just because I can
thoughtless restless meandering crazy light
because, just because
I am

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